hCG Weight Loss Program
The hCG Weight Loss Program allows you to safely lose up to 10% of your body weight in just one month. Some can achieve a 30 pound weight loss in 30-40 days, when coupled with a very specific diet. This program dramatically shifts your metabolism towards burning your fat and hCG assists in controlling all cravings while on the diet.
The Details
How it Works
hCG is the glycoproteic hormone that is normally secreted by trophoblastic cells of the placenta during pregnancy. Pharmaceutical grade hCG is extracted from the urine of pregnant women….
hCG is said to perform a metabolic recovery, where the hypothyroid is said to reset, boosting the metabolism and increasing the client’s ability to burn fat at a much higher rate. hCG also breaks down body fat, causing rapid weight loss by mass even before registering on a scale while simultaneously protecting the endogenous fat and muscle that the body needs to stay healthy.
hCG is not a “magic wand” on its own. Rather, daily injection of hCG coupled with a rational weight loss reduction program provides optimum results.
Using this comprehensive approach, the hCG program addresses and corrects the low metabolism, intense and constant hunger, and the emotional eating during food cravings. The emotional eating issues and food cravings are gone and the body will burn the food eaten so that it does not turn to fat. The hunger and appetite mechanism will be regular without food cravings and clients are no longer slaves to food or weight.
Program Regimen
There are 4 steps of the Clean Start hCG Weight loss Program.
Step 1: Start hCG and “load” for two days.
Step 2: Follow the strict 500 calorie diet while taking hCG (26-43 days).
Step 3: Three weeks of Phase 1 maintenance (eat anything, but no sugars or starches).
Step 4: Three weeks of phase 2 maintenance (slowly add starches).
Program Duration
A 23 or 40 day Program, depending on the amount of weight loss you desire to achieve. If more weight loss is desired after a 40 day regimen, another round of hCG may be done, but only after a 6 week break. During this time you will have weekly appointments that will incorporate injectable supplements of B12, B6 complex and MIC (‘the fat burning shot”)
Expected Results
Not only do people lose weight and re-sculpt their bodies to that of a youthful appearance, they have bounding energy and many diseases of lifestyle (high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, depression, etc.) seem to disappear. Many clients have been able to reduce their medications and even more have been able to eliminate them entirely.
Not only are the results from the hCG Weight Loss Program significant, clients regain confidence, have higher self-esteem, and are more active in life and relationships. Sex drives and sex lives are also improved with clients’ new youthful bodies.
After Care
After the 12week program, you can enroll in a monthly maintenance program, Healthy Lifestyles, to keep you on track.
Is this Suitable for Me?
- Have no immediate or sub-acute medical issues that need addressed first, and
- Are mentally prepared to follow a very strict protocol for the duration without deviation
- Currently treating Breast or prostate cancer, pituitary tumor, ovarian tumor
- Must be 18 years or older
- Breastfeeding or pregnant
- Uncontrolled endocrine disorders
Side Effects, Risks & Complications
Headache (diet related)
Bad Breath (ketones)
Breast tenderness or swelling (very rare)
The “hCG Program” Difference
No other weight loss program addresses and corrects the low metabolism, the intense and constant hunger, or the emotional eating and food cravings.
After Care
Post Treatment
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What They Say

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Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Day at the Spa

4630 W Jefferson Blvd Suite #2
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Hours of Operation
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM – 7 PM
Thursday: 9 AM – 8 PM
Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Sunday: Closed
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